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Text is a basic building block of interaction and communication, but it is as complex as it is powerful. Text is language-specific and can provide a myriad of stylistic and functional roles for an interaction device. Common uses are navigation, labels, describing/informing. Text can be visual or auditory.


Like the narrative voice we’re familiar with, prose can be used to create identity and tone for interactions using the typical decisions of story-telling: word choice, sentence structure, flow, formality etc. This doesn’t have to just be paragraphs of introductory text, it can be the way you label and direct your audience. For instance, MailChimp has a Tone & Style Guide.


WordPress has a variety of phrases near the top of their page which don’t seem to serve a functional purpose rather than create a voice and identity for WordPress. The example phrases: “You’re still glowin’, you’re still crowin’,” “You’re lookin’ swell, Dolly,” and “One of your old favourite songs from way back when.”

Screen Shot 2014-12-03 at 10.41.42 AM

Screenshot of the top of WordPress in post mode. Shows the phrase “You’re still glowin’, you’re still crowin’.” (Dec 2014)



Labeling to clearly inform the audience what  button is or does. Also the information architecture of a website can greatly influence a user’s experience navigating through a website, performance of a task, and overall impression of a company.


Text can direct views to commit an action, either explicitly or implicitly.

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