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Perception of a sound to be a high or low sound. Pitch is the subjective interpretation of frequency.

  • A person might set different sound notifications on their phone to mean different things. A higher pitched sound might indicate an in-coming message, a lower pitched sound might indicate a outgoing message


Other qualities of perceiving sound:
  • Volume
  • Pitch
  • Phase
  • Direction
  • Distance
  • Timbre



Sound is often used to orient us that something new is happening or to remind us that something is/will happen. The volume of these alerts are often user controlled, but one can imagine how layered sounds could vary in loudness.


The loudness of a sound attracts our attention, especially if we’re used to a mostly visual experience.


(Metaphorical) Right now sound is often used to as a last resort as important alerts, but how can sound be used more often to show orientation? As you scroll further down in a page, maybe the a noise (or screen reader) is lower pitched to indicate depth.

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